To put our Party’s house in order, put grassroots Party members in charge of their Party’s affairs and position us for victory. For more, click HERE and HERE.
Why I'm Running
To tear down barriers to business start-ups, job creation and growth . . . the best social program is a well-paying job!
To put parents in charge of their children’s education.
To unlock Manitoba’s natural resources in the north and across our province AND build roads and rail, ports and power lines to move Manitoba’s products to markets at home and abroad. For more on Resource Development, click HERE. For Manitoba is a Maritime Province, click HERE. For Manitoba Oil and Gas, click HERE.
To guarantee Manitobans’ freedoms to shop, gather, worship and live their lives as THEY see fit.
To make Manitoba a place where families, seniors and children thrive and flourish!
To view Wally Daudrich’s January 12th Video Town Hall, click HERE.